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Twitter allows entry into this social network with Google and Apple accounts
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Twitter allows entry into this social network with Google and Apple accounts

Twitter allows users of this social network to log into their accounts in two new ways. From today, users can log in to Twitter from the web version and mobile app with their Google account, or log in to the Twitter app on iOS with the help of sign in with Apple.

Twitter support announced in a new post that it is possible to sign in with a Google account in mobile and web versions, and Apple users with the iOS app of this social network can sign in with Apple ID. The login feature with Apple ID will soon be activated for the web version of Twitter. In addition, it is also possible to register and create an account on Twitter by both methods.

Google and Apple accounts

Among these two options, Sign in with Apple is a more attractive item. Apple unveiled the possibility at WWDC 2019 as an alternative to logging in with a Facebook and Google account, claiming that users using Sign in with Apple could avoid tracking their activities. This feature allows you not to use your original email by creating a secondary email, but forwards the necessary emails to your original email.

Twitter allows entry into this social network with Google and Apple accounts

The ability to log in with a Google account a few weeks ago in the beta version of Android Twitter was available to users and now finally in the stable version of this application has been activated. When you create a new account with this feature, your account is easily created and even the Google or Apple account image is selected as your Twitter image.

At the moment it’s possible that not all users have access to this feature yet, and they’ll probably have to wait a little longer for its global offering. Apparently, when you build your account with Apple, you can no longer change the password because the relevant page wants your current password. Twitter support says it’s possible to disconnect Apple and Google accounts with Twitter, but this feature is only available in the web version that Apple users can’t access for now.

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